Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hey, I miss you

I miss the carefree times we once shared,
the jokes we cracked,
the laughter and joy we shared.

The memories are so bittersweet.
Teasing was common between us,
we share hardly anything in common
yet feel so safe and close to one another.

Maybe cause we know how loneliness feel
so we embrace each other's heart more carefully
and cherish every moment of it

Fights we may have
but soon gotten over
and friends we are again. :D

All those joyous times,
when my soul feel most at ease,
I wonder where it went...

Perhaps some other days, I guess.
Till we meet again... ^^

Friday, November 25, 2011

Alice in the Wonderland

Queen of Hearts is chopping off people's heads again...

The Duchess could only cry and hurt inside 

Mad Hatter is not helping at all

as they watch the axe landing on Knave of Hearts.

Duchess's heart was tearing
She was crying

She knew that the Queen was twisted beyond help
but she kept on waiting..
Waiting for The Queen of Hearts 
to wake up one day and realise
that her ruling methods was all wrong
that she was only hurting others
and by doing that 
she was hurting herself the most

But it seems to be too late
as a little piece of Queen's heart 
is lost more and more each day 

Queen of Hearts 
even split herself into two
locking up the good Queen of Spades
deep within her heart
so that she could rule without hurt

Duchess could only pray and hope
that Alice would hurry up arrive
to stop this never-ending torture

This endless cycle where everybody is hurting
where everyone is living in pain

All Duchess could do was to
 secretly send White Rabbit off to seek for Alice
as she silently pray with all her might 
that everything would go well

Turning her head to Cheshire Cat
"Quick! Run away, and help Alice"
"Make sure that the Queen would never find you"
"Remember to tell her"
"The key is with the Queen of Spades"

Only Alice can save her now....

A Queen who love her kingdom so much
that her heart eventually broke

Her people who wants to save the Queen so bad
that they would do anything
even at the price of their heads
to get their Old Good Queen back....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kite like Stars...

I made friends with kite
one without strings
for a while I flew on it
and we soar up the sky happily

Being through a lot fun and struggles
sharing heart strings
that blissful moment
seem to last forever

till one day....
the wind blew
and it flew off without me

I went in search high and low 
for a sight of it
however kite belong to the sky

while me?
I dunno

Kite dancing through the clouds and stars
so breathtakingly
while I look at myself
this rough redundant rock
utterly worthless

Chasing kite was like catching stars
so far beyond my reach
yet near my heart

weathering to pieces
just for this answer
how long and painful it is

Fate and time
are the only magic
left now.... 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Homework piling up
than we can finishing

Towering heights 
building up
threatening to bowl us over

Feeling all tired and overwhelmed
that huge tall mountain

away like sand

Days seep into nights
another new day began

Dateline coming nearer and nearer
us like hardworking slaves

Is there a way to stop this madness?
in a dark sea of time and books

Only the survivor will win this race
working 24/7 like a clock
never stops.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Close my eyes and Breathe

My tears you can't see.
My life, you try to destroy.
My eyes, scarred with hurt.
My mouth, you restricted.

And now,
I am trying hard to breathe.
But with every word of yours,
you suffocate me further,
like being throw into the 
grim dark hopeless sea.

I try to cover my ears,
in hopes of drowning out your words.
but somehow, 
like black magic,
it penetrate through the thin membrane
and affect as badly as ever.

Every time, I open my mouth,
trying to show my perspective.
It not called explaining,
its considered 'arguing'.
I don't even what is right or wrong anymore.

Because of you,
I can't trust anyone.
Because of you,
I hide behind my wall full of locks 
retreating into my glass world.
Because of you,
I can't even believe in myself.
Because of you,
I am constantly wondering what am I born here for.