Thursday, May 31, 2012


What a day


Monday, May 28, 2012

Hear me

I get so fed up with myself.

Half the time when there is so much important things to say, I always get choked up in tears.
The main reason isn't because I am angry or sad. But its cause I get so frustrated.
I want to say so many things, I want to convey my message always get struck....

 Then I become so angry at myself for being so useless that I end up crying. Unable to say a thing.

 I want to tell her, its not your fault. Its not anyone's fault.
 I just want everyone to stop hurting.
 But always....the waterworks start first then I start hiccuping very bad...
 then the words.........never got a chance to come out...  

 Somehow I always make matters worse.
 Everyone is trying their best, its just that somehow....
 We keep missing each other
 keep misunderstanding each other
 keep blaming each other
 keep hurting each other

 With so many words inside me,
 so many sentences, thoughts, messages...
 but I can't convey it...

 Need to listen...I need you to wait...I need to listen...
 Can you listen?

Saturday, May 26, 2012


You have a way 
of making people 
feeling that they are better off 
dead than living

You have an appetite 
for crushing people's spirit
chewing and tearing them up
than spitting them out

Acting like you are the victim
when its the opposite
the rules you set
change according to your mood

Expecting perfection from others
never looking below the surface
to see how rotten and disgusting 
it is inside

Its always about you
how you are suffering
how you are in pain
how you are in agony

spinning people in circles
making them lose their sense of direction
losing sight of themselves
wondering who they are

sometimes making them 
feel worse than nothing
feeling life is meaningless
bring the worst out of them

nothing helps

except to spit the crack wider
to tear everyone apart further
now even if the cracks come together
the past can't return

Friday, May 18, 2012


Close your eyes
Don't speak

Just listen
Can you hear it?

The sound of a girl crying?
the cutting silence
the crashing waves

fours walls all around
with blood dripping down

the feeling of drowning 
never being able to stand up 

The darkness that draws you closer and closer
silent screaming
frustration piling up to exhaustion

Standing and falling
meaningless life
repeating cycle

Where is the light?
What happen to the old times?
So many unanswered question

so much misunderstanding
so much pain
hearts that are broken beyond repair

how long more?
when will it end?
spilled tears
wounds and pain

stop talking
don't speak

just let me rest for a little while more
just let me sleep for a little while more
just let me runaway

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hardened UP

I stopped crying long time ago
tears are useless
and that it can't changed anything

My heart was drowning in the tears
that couldn't flow out
so I froze it 
and harden it

So that no tears can escape
nor can it be hurt anymore 
or so 
I try to make myself believe..

When the push comes to the shove
I can't cry
Frustrating yet I know I can't

When you know that 
you are all alone in the world
that no one will be there 
that everyone is waiting for you to fall

You can only be strong
You must be tough
even if its all a pretense
you only got yourself

Even if I become cold
I don't have choice
Its a way of survival
the only way
I know how to survive
in this cold harsh and cruel world.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Eyes Open

Stress piling up,
higher and higher,
sinking you down
further and further

Wanting Quality 
yet time
 is your main enemy

17 hours of work 
is not enough
Hurry! Quick!

Everyone is watching
Everyone is waiting

Wanting you to breakdown
Wanting you to fall

Overwhelmed with worry
 push to the limit
at the edge of breaking down 
wanting to let everything go

Take a breath
Layout your work
Focus- one at the time

You are you
stop comparing
be it slow or be it fast
it will definitely be done

You can do it

Don't Slack :D
Let tomorrow worry for itself  ^^
"Do your best and let God worry about the rest"