Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Hi pips,

I am doing fine. So good that I don't want to back. Over here is so relaxing and the kids are so cute! They keep bugging us to play with them. Its a bit sad to realise that I only left 3 weeks and 3 days. I am a bit sad to part with my independent life too. I guess I like being independent but it must also be because the environment is good. Its so relaxing here! 

My eyes actually got tired at staring at the computer for less that 15 mins! I guess the thing I love the most here is the HUGE HUGE SKY that ends on so faraway that it touches the mountain on the other side. I really love this scenery but I only get to see it when I go back to my hometown. I am going to lie down on the grass one evening and just spend all of the time to look at the sky.

Those hours, minutes and seconds that were so precious, I don't dare to waste while I am working, I am going to spend all those time looking at the SKY. ^^ Heck to the busy life style, if you must know, I honestly HATE you. I am going to cherish all the time I have here because the moment I go back, I need to start on this huge project alr. Back to the long, tedious, stressful zombie life style. Hate you to the core.

Actually I kind of finish all my assignments for internship yesterday already, so kind of clueless what to do now. The manager want us to teach design, =_=.....we have Language barrier. Anyways we got 2 weeks of holiday!!! :D Cause its a impt holiday in this country here so the sewing ladies are going back for 2 weeks. That means we can do whatever we want for the 2 weeks. :) Just that we have to cook for ourselves the 2 weeks also. Hopefully it goes well. I mean I love cooking for myself but ya....

Going to enjoy the rest of the time here~ till then~ Bye

Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Hi ppl, 

I know its been a supppperrrrrrrrrrrrr long time since I last posted some thing. So now I shall post about my internship, to make it up, I will post a really long one.

I am currently on an overseas internship. Honestly when we were arriving here, there were a lot of freaking problems. I forgot to check in my scissors... was a mess. 

When we reached our destination, the heat is KILLING me. I was wearing long sleeve and sweating like crazy. I went on this trip with my 2 other classmates. It was a morning flight, so we were a bit tired but the lady-in-charge immediately brought us to the fabric market. It was quite interesting, the layout was no different from our country's fabric market. However fabric market are still forever like a maze, then we had burger and fries. This country only have KFC. Good. I am sick of fast food from my school. Its crazy, its like every 2 weeks, there would at least be 2 fast food dinners. SO SICK of them.

Then we were brought to our lodging. On the way, I was actually regretting my decision when I saw how ULU the country side place actually was. I thought if we were going to stay in those kind of wooden plank houses in this heat, I will go crazy.

TO my relief, it was a house. With a fridge, tap water and shower. We are sleeping in a long room with 2 bunk beds at each side. It was quite good room with plenty of room in the center. The best part, AIR-CON, in the room. I was expecting fans and a well. Cause the lady told me they only have well water. =_=...seriously, scare me for nothing.

Then we went to meet the sewing ladies. They are really nice and friendly. There are 6 of them, so we let them pick which of us they want to work with. Each of us have 2 sewing ladies, I have 3 because another lady joined. We try to know each other better by exchanging names and age. But the language barrier.....yeah....its a really big problem.

The first part of this week was used in sewing up of our first two designs. I had difficulty trying to communicate to them, even though there was the illustration and paper pattern they could refer to. It was still hard. Especially when you need to teach them how to sew certain parts, luckily there is also a very skilled sewing teacher to help us.

We made friends with the local staff, PC and she brought us to look around the area. It was interesting and fun because the children also tag along with us.  We saw the pig farm, and plantations and fish pond. The scenery around this area is awesome, the sky is so big here. It was so peaceful and you feel like one with the nature here. Technology, phones, ear phones and computer, seems so far away here. There are also so many stars here at night, the moon light is so bright here too.

The second part of the week was spent on grading and tracing patterns for the different sizes for our designed garments. Time pass so slow here, I almost feel like we been living in that little house all our life. I realised that living together, can either break or bring relationships closer. I am on good terms with KL and L, and I guess, for me, they are moving beyond the classmate zone. They seem to do the same for me too. They start calling me their "friend" now instead of their classmate. I don't trust people easily but for now, they are in my "classmate-going-on-to-friend zone". The people who I call my friends are those whom I really trust. So to the privileged few who know of this blog and know where in the world I am right now, yes you! You all are my treasured friends in my <3 . I know you all know it too. :) ;) Sorry, I didn't update, the wifi here is super lousy. 

I can only be online from morning till 6pm. The wifi is unstable. 

Since the day I came here, I guess its been 2 weeks and 3 days. From our house to the city, it takes around 2 hours. We seem to be going out almost every week since we need to get fabric to sew up our garments. The 1st week was very stressful, we were working even on our off day. I guess, its because we were still getting used to the environment. 2nd week, I decided a schedule for myself because I stressed out myself too much by trying to catch up to my classmates' pace. 

We had a rather good weekend for the 2nd week since KL' father came to visit her so he also brought us along. We started off by going for shooting. The gun noises were so loud so we had to wear ear muffs. The rest tried out a rifle, I was scared so I only try out a hand gun. The hand gun was rather heavy and it didn't hit anything, guess the targets were too far away. It still feels scary holding a weapon that can kill. I realise then, that when you want to take a person's life, it either you are too caught up with all the bad emotions or when you are ready to carry a weight on your shoulders. I think I can understand a bit how hard it is to do that. By taking a life, somehow your conscience will be there resounding with you too. 

  Then we went to visit a museum, there were a lot of stone statutes, we also saw skeletons, jewels and broken accessories. I was a bit freaked by the skeletons in the burial grounds. The designs of everything were so intricate and interesting. 

   We also went to visit the palace, the place was huge. The decorations of the buildings and designs of the garden are so intricate as well. We saw a lot of golden carving and paintings. But I thought it was rather boring. There isn't much to admire about except for the items owned by the royal family.

Then we went to another market to buy some shirts before heading back to the house. Our house is quite freaky at night. Over here, it get dark really fast and by the time we finished dinner. We wouldn't be able to see our house unless we switched on the front door night. The irritating thing is the crazy amount of insects that greet us every time we come back from dinner. =_= In the house too, there are a few in the toilet, its damn ANNOYING. 

At night, the bugs and lizards are loud that they wake up as I am a very light sleeper. I can't sleep properly even now. :( Hopefully it will get better. The house is also scary cause its like a stand alone house away from other buildings. Haiz....oh wells. Thats it for now.

The wifi sucks. I am waiting for it to work now so that I can post it for you guys. But the stupid wifi is like that, its not even 6 and its already like shut off. *Angry.....still waiting for it to WORK....

PS: Hope you all are safe and sound. :) Please take care.