Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lovign "you"

When I love 
I have decided
I will love "You"

Whether you are male or female
Whether you are rich or poor
Whether you are good-looking or not
it doesn't matter

I will love "you"
thats more than enough 
for me

I don't care what the world say
I don't give a damn about the society
none of them matters

I would rather be loved 
by the one person I loved
than to be loved by the whole world

I only want to follow my heart
only "you" matter 
the most important person to me

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Desperate Love

This love is so desperate
its going to tear us apart
but still
we are unable to let go
of each other's hand

I am scared
to love you
afraid that this isn't real
that its only a dream

You love me so much
its driving you insane
the passion burning in your eyes
the unspoken words

How fragile you treat me
so unsure of yourself
that your passion
would drive me away

I am scared
but so drawn to you
that passion
I could never understand

You try to control yourself
even though 
you would rather chain me
and lock me up 

No one can ever find
so that I would only look at you
so that I would only think of you
so that I would be all yours

But thinking of me
you don't 
While I am selfish
unable to give you 
what you truly need

also unable to let go 
of your hand
how long will this flames 
continue burning

This love that is so desperate
that its so sad...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Losing you

The thought of you going so far away
hurts so bad
that I can't breathe

I know that its foolish
to say
I can't live in a world without you

Because I know
and you know that
no one dies of a broken heart

But the world becomes unbearable
daily chores becomes a chore
every new day loses colour

My heart wouldn't stop aching
My mind wouldn't stop thinking about you
My eyes well up

I would become something less than a doll
one with a broken heart
left with only an empty shell

Trapped within that frozen time
tied down with all those memories
unable to move on....

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

2 sides of the coin

Life is like a coin
there are always 2 side
to every story

Like yours
Like mine

I flip a coin
Good mother

I flip it again
 Bad mum

One Side

Other Side

I don't know 
what to do with it

I struggle very long
with this coin in my pocket

Most of the time,
it roll so far away beyond reach

it brings me joy

I don't want to part with it
I don't want to not want it

as a coin
it brings a heavy burden

Suffocating me
Making it hard for breathing

If I continue to carry it
the bad outweigh the good

No matter which side I ponder,
 I have to leave something behind

Sunday, March 02, 2014

What will become of that lone star?

It began with a longing
that morphed into a wish

A need
more than anything

A lone star in that dark night sky
that kept me going

Loneliness and sadness
dragged me down all the time

but that star
that sad lone star

To protect
To cherish

To keep it safe
To keep me safe

All broken and torn down
yet so precious

more treasured than anything 
in the world

A simple, sad yet a foolish wish
So pure and innocent

All the prayers
one by one

every single day
pile up 

all for that single wish..