Saturday, August 23, 2014

Its not ok. But we will keep trying

Technology may have advanced a lot
I know I should be grateful
that I can at least instantly communicate
but it doesn't work that way

The distance still form a barrier between us
Nothing can compare
meeting face to face
speaking heart to heart

The barrier
keeps us in the past
Even if we chat
the communication is only at the surface

unable to progress a step further
yet unable to move away
from where we are either

A lot things that should have been said
were all left untold
because its too heartbreaking
to continue any further

Emoticons on the chat
faking what we feel
not knowing how to deal
with the aching longing

With the only thing
that comfort us
is the knowledge
that it wouldn't last forever

Time will fly by
and soon we would be able to
meet again

You will change
like how I will change
but I know
that some things would remain

The longing and thoughts
would still be there

Until then
I will keep trying
You will keep trying
We will both keep living

For the day to come

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