Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Never good enough

I am me. 
It should just be that.
No more, no less.
I decide my worth.

I know I will never be good enough for you
no matter how hard I try.
I know. 

But why is it, 
my head know this, 
my heart also know this, 
yet I still hope

Like a straight little fool
I still hope
Hope that you will wait
Hope that you will listen

Do you know,
a little part of me dies.
Every single time,
Every DAMN time

Harden frown
Vicious tongue
Stabbing words
Angry brows

Most of all,
written all over your face
underlined in your words

I keep running
never stop running
running till I am out of breath
running from all the hurt and pain

running from your rage
running from your words
hiding from your disappointment
hiding from the hate

But I never do
I could never out run you
Never out run pain
Never out run hope

I dunno what to do now.
I dunno how to stop hoping.
I dunno how to stop hurting.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hand in Hand, facing fears together

Lets keep walking.

You are alone there. I am alone here.
We are both scared. Unsure of the future.
You keep looking for things to be thankful everyday.
While I am trying to treasure whats left of my time here.

I am alone. I am scared. I just want to turn around and run.
Time and time again, I consider the easiest way out.
But you were always, lending me a hand.
Patiently. Waiting. Listening.
Suddenly the fear was not as loud as it seems anymore.

Suddenly, there were more of "I can do it",
rather than "I can't".
And I am not alone anymore.
Because you are there.

Waiting for me like always.
You are sad, missing home, regretting.
But you are strong.
I seen it. The courage hidden within it.

You will definitely make it.
You might smile in disbelieve.
But there are a lot of miracles
I seen happened with you.

When you feel like you can't, I am here.
I will be here. Like how you are always there for me.
I am sure both of us will make it out alive.

If not, I will call you up at 4am. :P
And you will have no choice but to pick up~

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Just one more day

Just one more day

Indulge me for just one more day
Please, don't let this dream fade yet
Don't break this bubble of happiness
Lets just pretend for a while

Let my eyes slowly trace out your face
over every bump and detail
reliving it in my head
with all those short sweet memories

I know. You know too.
Those eyes reflect mine
but this dream will end tomorrow
and fade away

Anymore than this
will be too much
it will become a sin

A secret, it shall be
between you and me
So lets relish in the
seconds ticking away

Before the goodbyes......