Friday, March 11, 2016


That little girl was walking on hot baked sand
looking for what, she knows not
Blinding lights blocking her sight

All she knew was a love of a cactus
The cactus provided everything that she need
A shelter within its hollow depths
Water deep from its roots
Food from its body

However every time she got too close
the thorns pierced through her
like a curse binding her
countless scars, bloody tears and broken hearts
flowing endlessly and never healing

The girl was only fighting a losing battle
but she couldn't leave
Till one day, the wind blew her up
far far far far far away

Snowflakes dusted her skin
her legs unbound
bringing her everywhere and anywhere
she wanted to go

For the first time
she could breathe
she was free to be her
she could touch the sky
but not without a price

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