Friday, January 07, 2011

Red Thread

It is so cool thinking that you have this invisble red thread tied to your finger connnecting you and your future lover together. But now, marriage is very hard to maintain, don't you think so? Divorce is like the lastest treand among marriage couples now.But isn't it good to have someone showering you with unconditional love and having a "home" to go to. It is like after seacrhing and seacrhing for a place for long and you finally found it. Perhaps its too much of human nature to only cherish things when it is too late. Or perhaps this whole "Love" thing is just another fairytale? Promises to stay forever are hard to keep, thats why a lot of people don't dare to take chances. Cause nobody can read the future but as the saying goes "no pain, no gain". Thats why those people who grab onto the opportunity are courageous. ^v^ There is no guarantee of anything or certainly of forever in the future. But isn't it also human nature to fall and learn from it? Nobody likes falling. But with each fall, we become stronger. Just make sure that you don't end up running away from that thing just cause of bad experience of things, it is not going to help you and quite unfair to the other party too.

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