Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I think its sad.

For people who want to love yet not knowing how so they force their way through.
For people who want to love yet not knowing how that it never gets convey.

For people who love yet they can't, happiness forever out of their reach
For people who love yet they won't, keeping love at bay.

For people who do not how to love, empty like a hollow day.
For people hurt by love, wishing they could die from a broken heart.

Love? What is it?
That it could make kingdoms rise and fall.
That could create unbelievable miracles.
That could make you feel like being on cloud nine then falling hard on the cold ground.
That makes reality like a dream.
That changes you in and out.
How did it start? Where did it go?
What is it?

What is the difference between "Like", "Love" and "Lust"?

Its simple. Yet utterly confusing.

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