Friday, February 25, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Losing Grip

It was like everything went out of control,
my normal daily routines got thrown of place.
Just when I had got a hang of things,
another huge wave of problems crashed into me.
Being rushed in and out of places,
I dun think I even know what's going on anymore.
Its like I was losing grip on everthing,
But haven't I experience this before?
Then why do I not feel anymore prepared that the first time?
I feel like a lost little kid who needs protection.
Everything is slipping away,
and its really exhausting trying trying to keep hold of everthing.
Maybe its better to let go,
but I am scared.
What if the fall is greater than expected?or softer?
                    I can't decide.
Why it is that even after so many things and so long,
I still can't find a place i can call home?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Honey Plum Love

My love is like Honey Plum 
Sweet yet sour at the same time

But because its sour,
I think thats why the it tastes so nice

Even though its a one-sided crush,
a love for you that you will never know

Even though its a forbidden love,
and no matter how hard
I tried and still can't stop loving you

Even though as much as I love you
you Must and Forever not know about this

As sad as it may sound
All the time spent with you,
memories I would never forget
for Life

to have met you have been truly one
of the happiest moment of my life

Even if you should forget me someday,
Even if you will meet that someone
just for you someday.

I will just watch over you
and pray for your happiness

This Honey Plum Love
though sweet and sour

is how i feel for you  ^~^

Your Pillar of Strenght

There will be someone who you 
often rely on when trouble comes,
or when you are drowning in a sea 
of sadness

The person is always there for you
whenever you need them that
you always lean on them and
end up taking advantage of them

Their existence is always present
that you got so used to it and 
start to slowly take them for granted

You always thought of them as
a strong and reliable support
that it never occur to you that
they are like you too

You can't see, why?
Cause you were too caught
up with your sadness And
those pillars are fools who only 
know how to care about other

*To the people who read finished reading this
Please go show more care and concern to the people who once help you or are still helping you, people who are always around you. Go show that you care. Spread this love to strangers who you meet on your way somewhere. The world would then be a much more better place. Don't you think?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Loving Yourself

To love yourself means 
you care about yourself

To love yourself means
you wouldn't abuse yourself

To love yourself means
you forgive yourself for the
mistakes you made

To love yourself means
you accept all your flaws and
imperfection along with your perfection

To love yourself means
you love and accept who you are

To love yourself means
you are grateful to be born into this world

To love yourself means
you wouldn't murder yourself
cuz you know your existence is
precious and irreplaceable, that
you are the reason for others'
tears, joy, laughter, anger and
most of all Love

To love yourself means
you are ready to care and love others

What A Smile is

 Something that makes you happy
Moment to Treasure and Cherish
 Lovely & Infectious
 Entangled in Love and Joy 