Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Your Pillar of Strenght

There will be someone who you 
often rely on when trouble comes,
or when you are drowning in a sea 
of sadness

The person is always there for you
whenever you need them that
you always lean on them and
end up taking advantage of them

Their existence is always present
that you got so used to it and 
start to slowly take them for granted

You always thought of them as
a strong and reliable support
that it never occur to you that
they are like you too

You can't see, why?
Cause you were too caught
up with your sadness And
those pillars are fools who only 
know how to care about other

*To the people who read finished reading this
Please go show more care and concern to the people who once help you or are still helping you, people who are always around you. Go show that you care. Spread this love to strangers who you meet on your way somewhere. The world would then be a much more better place. Don't you think?

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