Thursday, September 20, 2012


Its possible to feel two ends of the extreme for the same person.

Its scary how the more you feel for the person, the quicker, the feeling can twist and turn into.

I stop talking a long time ago. But you didn't notice.
You keep talking....think I was pulling a long face at you.
In truth, I couldn't be bothered by you anymore.

Every time you spit out those poisonous words that wrapped me tight and pierce through with its sharp claws. I feel as if this body doesn't belong to me. Like as if watching a play, I am just this voodoo doll for you to stab needles.

I guess I am tired. 

Its tiring trying to force my way through your twisted turning blocked and never ending garden. Slamming and banging my hands against your wall. End up our hands all bloodied, legs injured and scratched up so bad, that indeed, maybe its better to give up.

We just can't tune. Words. Words that are suppose to help us communicate, to bring us closer together.

If only I can show you how deeply your words affect me, all this internal bleeding and scars, maybe then you might understand?

I am never the person good with words. I am not clingy, I don't go down to fetch you. I don't tell you things that other children would often tell their parents.
And you were never the kind to be patient and listen. Always rushing, never stopping. Going so fast pace expecting me to catch up with you.

We keep trying. But like two rocks forcing against each other, we always end up all beaten up.

I don't what I am waiting for. Walking through my mind in a peaceful meadow under the soft sunlight, taking in the sweet scent in the air and feeling very contented like this.

Not having to fight with anyone. Just free to be myself. No need to be bound by anything. Just be myself. Be free.

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