Sunday, May 26, 2013

Time, is never enough

Human are the only ones that measure time. Do you see the animals doing it? they just know from how the sun and moon move across the day.

Humans are the only ones doing it. And everyone is forever wishing for more time. There is never enough for  them. :/

Not enough for sleep. Not enough to eat. Not enough for play. Not enough to even breathe.

I feel sad. 24 hours. Its so much time. Yet not enough for all the important things that we really need to think.

When was the last time you went out with your friends or how often do you hang out?
When was the last time you ate as a family without someone using their phone or talking about work?
When was the last time you actually have no care in the world?
When was the last night you had a proper 7 hours of sleep or your proper 3 meals?
Have you been taking care of your health? Or do you think work is more important than that?
Have you been exercising?
When was the last time you felt happy?
When was the last time you made someone's day or help a stranger in need?
When was the last time you have been passing time with something else other than your laptop or phone?

I know I haven't been managing my time well. And when I looked at all these question, I even feel guilty about some. Looking at me now, forever feeling tired or stress. I never really thought about the life I want. Thinking about the future scares me. Even now, in the present, I could only take one step at a time. Just gotta keep trying!!!! Jia you, me! Jia you, everyone :)

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