Friday, April 08, 2011

Everyone, just don't grow up.

Just needing 1 look through pictures to realise how faraway a once very close friend was, mixed feelings, mostly saddness emerged. From a daily meeting to a once every 3 month sms, shows how wide the distant have become. Once two heart entwined together, now so far apart that each others' voices can't be heard. Time bulit new relationship yet tears old ones. What that was once thought would last Forever yet through harsh reality to only realise that forever was too good to be true. Time is harsh, fast ticking on the good times and reality kicks in only when everything is lost. Growing up means changing. Changing is constant and on-going. How? Not wanting people to change in hope of not losing them yet reality forces you to bend and flow with them no matter how much u don't want to. Change is scary, things become different, everything and everybody become different until you don't know who you are and you feel so unsure if you once was so close to them that u know them by the back of your hand, yet all reduced to awkardness and uneasiness. Missing each other so much yet not knowing what to say. Feeling so happy to see them yet feeling so uneasy at the new them you are facing, even though never a day went without you not missing them, never a day went without a flashback of the fond mermories you have once spend with them. Feeling so happy yet not knowing how the other party feel likes. Just feeling so lost in the mist of everything. If only everybody don't grow up..... but alas...that could only be a midsummer dream.

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