Thursday, May 12, 2011

Under the Same Sky

imgres.jpegIn this hundred thousand and tens of thousand of buildings that we live under the same sky, I wonder which one are you living in right now?

Out of a crowd filled with millions and billions of people, I wonder if you will be able to spot me out of all of them?

So many cars and vehicles on the road, could you possibly be in one of them?

imgres.jpegSo many places under the same sky, could we have crossed            
each other without knowing?

I know you are busy everyday but could you just spend one day Busy thinking about me like I do?

Many places underneath the same sky, could there be a chance that you and I both went there but at different times?


 Why is it that even though we live at the Same continent, Same country and around SAME area , yet I still didn't even manage to catch a glimpse of  you like as if we live diff countries?                                            


Don't you hear me screaming, calling, crying out your name many times under the same sky or so do you?

Do you make that same wish under the same and every night sky like I do, just to let me see your face, touch you and feel you?


Well, I am warning you that if there is a plane or a bus that comes to my house, you better be on it because I need you now before I go crazy.

With your fastest speed, in skates, in your shoes or car, just COME, because I need you! And I need you fast.

I MISS YOU!!!DAMN IT!Just COME! This pain hurts like crap and there is no cure for you other than YOU! So you better take the responsibility of me, if not...I will never forgive You!

Missing you like crazy. My thoughts are all of you. Its driving me nuts. How? You poisoned me with love and now I can't breathe without you in my life. So hurry come! I need you more than anything!

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