Monday, January 02, 2012

Breaking Down

I want to cry. I dun want to talk about it. I want a friend and a box of tissue Now

Hahaha...who am I kidding? 
I dun think I got anymore tears left.
My heart is just broken glass
I need to let go. I need to stop turning back. I need to forget. I need to runaway. I want to break free!

 Just let me sleep this nightmare away

Maybe I could accompany Morven 
letting the waves lapped up my feet

feeling the icy waters swirl around my waist
Smooth grains of sand being disturbed as 
I further tests the boundaries

my dress danced around me in the waters with my hair
as I slowly sink further and further into oblivion
Closing my eyes,
I caress my broken heart
and let everything go
leaving it to the rhythmic movements of the waves  

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