Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Do you even hear me?

Why can't you shut up and listen to me talk or wait until I talk finish. 
Always cutting me halfway before finishing my sentence.
Always trying to prove that you are correct despite the fact you are wrong.

You never speak.
Only order, shout, yell, demand and scold.
My voice becomes a whisper, fading into the background.

It becomes very hard to talk to you, so I became the wall.
It becomes tiring to look at you, I stare somewhere else.
It become so suffocating to be struck in this house, so I imagine I am somewhere else.

Being around you, makes me wonder if I am a human.
Had I not known, I could be a doll or machine.
Same face, same expression trying not to betray the fact I actually am human.

Its better to cut out my heart and sew up my mouth when I am around you.
The best is to disappear, fade away into the background
So that I don't have to see what I am in your eyes.

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