Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Never good enough

I am me. 
It should just be that.
No more, no less.
I decide my worth.

I know I will never be good enough for you
no matter how hard I try.
I know. 

But why is it, 
my head know this, 
my heart also know this, 
yet I still hope

Like a straight little fool
I still hope
Hope that you will wait
Hope that you will listen

Do you know,
a little part of me dies.
Every single time,
Every DAMN time

Harden frown
Vicious tongue
Stabbing words
Angry brows

Most of all,
written all over your face
underlined in your words

I keep running
never stop running
running till I am out of breath
running from all the hurt and pain

running from your rage
running from your words
hiding from your disappointment
hiding from the hate

But I never do
I could never out run you
Never out run pain
Never out run hope

I dunno what to do now.
I dunno how to stop hoping.
I dunno how to stop hurting.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hand in Hand, facing fears together

Lets keep walking.

You are alone there. I am alone here.
We are both scared. Unsure of the future.
You keep looking for things to be thankful everyday.
While I am trying to treasure whats left of my time here.

I am alone. I am scared. I just want to turn around and run.
Time and time again, I consider the easiest way out.
But you were always, lending me a hand.
Patiently. Waiting. Listening.
Suddenly the fear was not as loud as it seems anymore.

Suddenly, there were more of "I can do it",
rather than "I can't".
And I am not alone anymore.
Because you are there.

Waiting for me like always.
You are sad, missing home, regretting.
But you are strong.
I seen it. The courage hidden within it.

You will definitely make it.
You might smile in disbelieve.
But there are a lot of miracles
I seen happened with you.

When you feel like you can't, I am here.
I will be here. Like how you are always there for me.
I am sure both of us will make it out alive.

If not, I will call you up at 4am. :P
And you will have no choice but to pick up~

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Just one more day

Just one more day

Indulge me for just one more day
Please, don't let this dream fade yet
Don't break this bubble of happiness
Lets just pretend for a while

Let my eyes slowly trace out your face
over every bump and detail
reliving it in my head
with all those short sweet memories

I know. You know too.
Those eyes reflect mine
but this dream will end tomorrow
and fade away

Anymore than this
will be too much
it will become a sin

A secret, it shall be
between you and me
So lets relish in the
seconds ticking away

Before the goodbyes......

Sunday, November 09, 2014


Hidden in the depths
Strikes at any sign vulnerability
Paralysed feet
unable to scream or shout
for help
Fear waiting to attack 

Too many things 
at a time
Time ticking away
Breathing difficulty
Anxiety seeping through every pore

As much as I try
to leave these two behind
The ghost of past, present and future
will never stop haunting me

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Future fears

I kinda feel pathetic. Needing to have so many people to comfort me and reassure me.
I guess this is what happens I can't control or foresee the odds that may come my way.

But one thing is clear though.
I will be in a foreign country soon, only thing is which one.
My heart grips so tightly with fear and
the moment I think about it,
my chest,hands and feet become so paralyzed with fear,
I can't sleep.  
The only thing I can do now
is research and more research.
So many decisions to make
and all of them must be done now.

One at the time.
One at a time.
Its ok.
I can do this.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Just sleep away

Heavy weights bring me down
I don't struggle
I don't fight for life
Water drowns out everything
Its a whole new world
Free from sad memories
I just watch
as the light slowly get fainter and fainter

Despite all this
I still find my hands stretched out
All this loud vast empty silence
within my heart
these dark waters
that suffocate me
to the end

Friday, October 17, 2014


Keep quiet
Don't speak
Don't shout
Don't Scream
Don't Scold

Listen to me

I read this book that was so sad, it nearly broke my heart. 
A mother grabbing her daughter hard, telling her, 
"Never have kids, cause they will only break your heart". 
It makes me wonder, its that what having children suppose to be all about?

Giving each other misery? Breaking each other's heart? 

I am out of breath
drowning further and further
I am tired of fighting
I am tired of trying
I am sick and tired
of pretending 
of lying
of all this pain and misery

Most of all
I am sick of myself

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

A sad sad disappointment

Sometimes I don't want to talk
we just end up fighting
I still find it amazing
how we can turn a simple good morning
into a squabble
that leaves us both hurt
with bad taste in our mouth

Its not like you were
interested in listening anyway
Every thing is about you
how you are feeling
how disappointed you are
so on and so forth...

Things I say
you just ignore
because its not important
and the fact that
you are always right

Everything about me
is just wrong
Every thing I do
is just unbelievably bad
A very saddening disappointment


I am tired of facing you
and you are tired of dealing with me
Sometimes I think fate or destiny
like to play tricks on us 
though I still can't find out a reason why

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Its not ok. But we will keep trying

Technology may have advanced a lot
I know I should be grateful
that I can at least instantly communicate
but it doesn't work that way

The distance still form a barrier between us
Nothing can compare
meeting face to face
speaking heart to heart

The barrier
keeps us in the past
Even if we chat
the communication is only at the surface

unable to progress a step further
yet unable to move away
from where we are either

A lot things that should have been said
were all left untold
because its too heartbreaking
to continue any further

Emoticons on the chat
faking what we feel
not knowing how to deal
with the aching longing

With the only thing
that comfort us
is the knowledge
that it wouldn't last forever

Time will fly by
and soon we would be able to
meet again

You will change
like how I will change
but I know
that some things would remain

The longing and thoughts
would still be there

Until then
I will keep trying
You will keep trying
We will both keep living

For the day to come

Friday, August 22, 2014


Gone away
In a flash
All of the sudden

It hit me
tinge of sadness
took over

Even though 
its not forever

But every moment
right now
feels so long


I wonder 
if the wind 
will convey 
these messages
to you 
from me

Please be happy
As being under 
the same sky
is the only thought
that comforts me


Smile ok?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Sudden Thought

I keep telling my friends to let go and all although I know these "pretty and logical"advices are just dumb. 
Quotes and pretty words doesn't stop one from feeling scared
They make sense but its still hard to apply it on actual situation. 
Like "Don't Worry, be happy", Duh! Everybody knows that but it doesn't stop people from worrying or feel anxious. I also don't want to feel anxious but fear always have a way of creeping and believing may sound ridiculously simple yet it can be so hard. 

Isn't that ironic? Everyone is fighting so hard for happiness, not knowing which road to take, stumbling right and left. Everyone is trying so hard, for a better future. Sometimes, along the way, we even lose ourselves. Mistaking possessions as happiness, like money, car, house. We forget. "The best things in the world are what money can't buy". We fight so hard for it, just to realise in the end that that is the reason why we lose it in the first place.

Happiness is like a butterfly, you chase after it so hard but can never catch it. Until you get tired and it hovers in front of your face yet not close enough for you to catch. Then the whole cycle begins again. I feel life and wishes are that.

Its hard but I give thanks everyday. For everything. :) For my parents who are still healthy and that my grandparents are still alive. Lovely cousins and awesome IRRITATING friends. :) Random things like rain, beauty in the things I see, be it pencils or plants. Being alive is just too wonderful words. 

Doesn't mean that heavy thoughts don't weigh me down. Doesn't mean I don't get depressed or thought that life was miserable. It does. A lot of time. Doesn't mean I am alone. Even if it feels like it, at least I can deal with it, knowing that the storm will pass. It hurts so bad a lot times though. 

This is the truth. I am scared of the future. I keep running away. I don't even have the courage in me to go find out universities. =_=....that is how pathetic I am. I am giving myself a deadline though. I am kinda hoping I can go overseas uni. Its going to be scary, I don't know if I will get bullied or get racist treatment but I still want to go. Because I want to know what it feels like to fly. I never once stop dreaming of flying. Flying higher than anyone, soaring above the clouds. I can never stop that addiction. The adrenaline rush, the beat of your heart and the risk you are facing, the feeling is too amazing to describe. 

That is true Freedom. A freedom I would never stop dreaming of. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I almost do

Secrets piled up
like all those butterflies in a jar
threatening to die of suffocation

Lies built up here and there
to protect one's heart
yet add on guilt

Memories get beautify
yet faded with time
like a Polaroid picture

Truth willing its way out
yet like fire it will spread
on those vicious tongue

Eyes open
yet denying the truth
that it seen

Every breath taken
get heavy and heavier
unable to withstand
the weight of lies and secrets

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Its Ok

Sometimes you have to lying to yourself
saying that its ok
in hopes that the pain would go away
that your heart would stop hurting

All these sad gentle lies
slowly pile up in your heart
tears slip down your face
in the face of the harsh reality

But what other choice you have
then to believe it
and hold on to it
Smile and pretend its alright

It only serves to show
how much more desperate you are
trying to believe that it would get better
believing that the pain would go away

all these gentle yet sad lies
to try to heal your broken heart
since they are all you have
from breaking down and going insane

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lovign "you"

When I love 
I have decided
I will love "You"

Whether you are male or female
Whether you are rich or poor
Whether you are good-looking or not
it doesn't matter

I will love "you"
thats more than enough 
for me

I don't care what the world say
I don't give a damn about the society
none of them matters

I would rather be loved 
by the one person I loved
than to be loved by the whole world

I only want to follow my heart
only "you" matter 
the most important person to me

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Desperate Love

This love is so desperate
its going to tear us apart
but still
we are unable to let go
of each other's hand

I am scared
to love you
afraid that this isn't real
that its only a dream

You love me so much
its driving you insane
the passion burning in your eyes
the unspoken words

How fragile you treat me
so unsure of yourself
that your passion
would drive me away

I am scared
but so drawn to you
that passion
I could never understand

You try to control yourself
even though 
you would rather chain me
and lock me up 

No one can ever find
so that I would only look at you
so that I would only think of you
so that I would be all yours

But thinking of me
you don't 
While I am selfish
unable to give you 
what you truly need

also unable to let go 
of your hand
how long will this flames 
continue burning

This love that is so desperate
that its so sad...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Losing you

The thought of you going so far away
hurts so bad
that I can't breathe

I know that its foolish
to say
I can't live in a world without you

Because I know
and you know that
no one dies of a broken heart

But the world becomes unbearable
daily chores becomes a chore
every new day loses colour

My heart wouldn't stop aching
My mind wouldn't stop thinking about you
My eyes well up

I would become something less than a doll
one with a broken heart
left with only an empty shell

Trapped within that frozen time
tied down with all those memories
unable to move on....

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

2 sides of the coin

Life is like a coin
there are always 2 side
to every story

Like yours
Like mine

I flip a coin
Good mother

I flip it again
 Bad mum

One Side

Other Side

I don't know 
what to do with it

I struggle very long
with this coin in my pocket

Most of the time,
it roll so far away beyond reach

it brings me joy

I don't want to part with it
I don't want to not want it

as a coin
it brings a heavy burden

Suffocating me
Making it hard for breathing

If I continue to carry it
the bad outweigh the good

No matter which side I ponder,
 I have to leave something behind

Sunday, March 02, 2014

What will become of that lone star?

It began with a longing
that morphed into a wish

A need
more than anything

A lone star in that dark night sky
that kept me going

Loneliness and sadness
dragged me down all the time

but that star
that sad lone star

To protect
To cherish

To keep it safe
To keep me safe

All broken and torn down
yet so precious

more treasured than anything 
in the world

A simple, sad yet a foolish wish
So pure and innocent

All the prayers
one by one

every single day
pile up 

all for that single wish..

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My secret language

The battle is not over. But in my heart, its done.

I couldn't bring myself to face it.

I love art all my life 
ever since young

But its so hard. 

So I practiced hard. Starting from young. 

I don't know about talents. I only know a journey full of hardships.

From food shapes to drawings and paintings, my mum started my passion for art.

In primary school, I thought I was rather creative. 

I loved playing with colours even though I don't really understand how to use them. 

Feelings shaped through pencils lines

Words expressed through the shading on paper

My unique form of expression. An art form that belonged solely to me.

My own secret language. 

All the best drawings were displayed on the classroom windows
Staring at it enviously, I wanted mine to be there
If it could, I would be so happy
I tried hard. 
Putting my emotions into tiny curls of markers
over and over again
Alas, my marker art went up the window
I was so proud
Unable to conceal, I wanted to share with someone

Only when I look around
I understand 
It was an achievement
but with no one to share
it was such a lonely achievement

Just like my drawing up there
A lone house on top of a hill
I waited on top of the hill for someone to come along
It was lonely up there
and it showed in my art

All the bright colours I used
hoping someone would like
hoping someone would come along
hoping someone would appreciate it
I was waiting...

I don't know what being talented mean. 

All my life was plain hard work. If others output 100%, I had to output 200%.

I keep trying my best every single time. Every single day.

Yet, its tiring to keep up this pace and stamina all the time...

I had to keep pushing myself. 

But I end up running. All the time. 

When its too hard. When I can't take it anymore.

Everytime I just want to give up, something pulls me up again.


Like a little fool. I kept hoping.

Art is all about the talented plus a lot of hard work.

But the most important thing, is like someone realises about your art..

A rock would stay a rock forever until someone realise its a diamond...

Someone who could see it. 

Someone who can understand your secret language. 

Just like love. Someone who could feel it.

But I can't draw now
I lost my secret language somewhere
this world is so mixed up
I lost it somewhere
eyes staring at me 
I am lost. My art is lost.
I lost an important part of me
and I am trying to find it back...

Friday, February 21, 2014

That feeling

It was a dream...so familiar and so unreal...

Floating through a tunnel, all curled up. But I could breathe underwater, I couldn't open my eyes but I can see my surroundings. Dancing lights illuminate the dark tunnel. Droplets pass between the water bodies side by side as I slowly float down...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Being Fearless

To disappear 
into nothing

To only act on my own will
without caring for others

To follow my heart
and steadfast to my path

To fade away
to not worry

To love
without fear

To trust 
without doubt

To accept
all of my imperfection

To runaway
where no one can find me

Let everything go
to be ME.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thank you.

wanna hear something funny?

Others are all worry about their future. But me, I am just trying my best to make out of this school alive. Since Year 2, I had always been worried about the final lap. That I couldn't make it. Now, I am barely surviving.

I thought other times were bad enough. Surprisingly, this year is worst. From starting out, expecting quality work and timely submission to just trying to get through this alive. Its so hard.

But for the first time in my life, I am not alone. My mom and my cousins helped me with my work. Even our classmates and lecturers helped us. I am so touched. Honestly speaking, I am not close to any single one of them. Yet, through this hard times, I felt so warmed. Even my friends offered to help after their graduation.

I think thats the only reason, why I am not falling back into depression and going crazy already. I finally realised how lucky and fortunate I was. I felt so blessed.
Words can't express what I feel, I feel so loved and that people around are trying their hardest to save me, to make my journey easier. Thank you. Every thought, every small gesture and every kind act never fail to make me so happy. Even if it doesn't show on my face.

Thank you. It was something that could decide a person's life and death. :)

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Inner voices

I wouldn't let it happen
panic overwhelming me
I will focus on what I can do
There is so much to do
I will do what I can
there is so little time
I gotta stop panicking
Its just making it worse
I am trying not to think about it
Its ok. I can do this.
RELAX. Breathe.
Its suffocating
Shut up, inner voices!
So much fear
Oh my freak. Oh my freak.
Its ok!
Who am I trying to kid?
Focus. I can do this.
I want to run away from reality right now.
I am strong! I can do this!

I can do this. Shut up, stupid inner voices. I am going to prove you all wrong!!!