Monday, October 22, 2012

First day of sch

I a dead tone +_+

Morning class and I only managed to sleep at 1am+ even though I was in bed at 11pm. Luckily my eyes weren't sore and bulging when I woke up because it was my body's fault, not mine.

Morning class was.......I reached school way too early. Designers are noted for their lateness and are forever arriving late. Ya, I couldn't get used to it and started panicking like mad when it was 8:46am.
Lucky thing I bumped into people I know, then we waited together. By the time it was way over 9am, and we decided to go general office to ask about the classroom. It looks like our classroom venue change since there is no way you can study on the floor or on top of toppled tables.

The teacher was in the general office and he informed us where the new classroom was. +-+ We went there but it was clear it belongs to another class instead. The teacher pointed us to another room, it was seriously starting to be an amazing race. First day of school is like newbies being in school for the first. We looked like nubes with the rest of scattered lost sheeps here and there. We went there to discover that we were locked out because that classroom isn't exactly ours. =_=....I wanted to strangle that teacher. Turns out he is NEW teacher.

Our elective class only had 10 people in which only 7 turned up. The class was dready and boring. It was a mixed physics and colour class. I was feeling very restless in my chair. The teacher cracks jokes that are really lame and one of it was a bit insulting. I wanted to throw my spectacles at him. At least we  ended early.

Afternoon class....honestly, I know I am super duper mean. The past would have been shocked at my behaviour but that me was too soft and a pushover.. I was glad that I didn't have her in my class. I know...maybe I am mad and guilty at myself for not being more generous? not being more forgiving? But I made my choices and I guess you can say.. I become meaner in the process. I am ashamed but I can't help admitting to being relief, it already hard working in an environment where you have to watch your every step without watching out for your ideas to be stole right under your nose.

Class started and we got into our groups. I really wanted to join another group because I need helpful people around me. I know I am slow in doing things and take a longer thing to understand something but I really keep trying. Its never been easy but I will never stop trying. Because that is the only way to getting better and I am definitely getting better.

I am in the same group with :>. I honestly like her yet fear her at the same time.
She is nice in a harsh way. She is trying to help me by being mean and rude to me. She doesn't like me being so nice since she finds it annoying. In a way like its a weakness that I will definitely can walk over by other people. I know it but what can I say? Its just me. :/
She is like perfect in everything, from drawing to clothes. Seriously, perfect people that only exist in manga books exist in the real world too. She makes me feel inferior. but I still like her because in a way, she cares? I prefer straightforward people anyway.

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