Tuesday, March 05, 2013


I watched this movie which received very good ratings. "Mama"

It is a good film. But I was so angry.

Should a innocent child bear the sins of their parents?
They did nothing wrong. I do understand my classmate's point of view though.

Killing the child so that the child doesn't have to feel unwanted or left alone to carry the weight of the world. Yes, maybe its easier that way. The child wouldn't have to suffer. Especially after the parents commit suicide. Its also a sign of their love for the child.

I also understand that I am in no position or in any right to say anything since I have never been a mother before.

The child. This pitiful and sad child. If you really have her best interest in heart.
Why not live for her instead? I know its hard. Especially when you have given up all hope.
When your whole body already shattered due to reality, and you can't get up anymore.

But why not? For the child's sake. I am sure she needs you as much as you need her.
If you have the strength to kill her, surely you would have to strength to continue to live and to fight for her!
You may have feel that you failed miserably, in life, as a husband/wife or in everything, but what about the child? You are her whole world. She haven't had the chance to live yet and to love yet.

If you truly love her and have her best interest at heart, live for her.

I just feel damn sad. Children are so innocent. So sweet.
Don't. Just don't. Don't leave them. Don't kill them.

Live for them instead. Please. They need you as much as you need them.

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