Friday, July 29, 2011


Ti, Da, Ti, Da
Can you hear?
Thats my heart.

Ping,Clink, Ping!
Can you hear?
Thats my heart.

I am fragile.
I break easily

Don't wound me
cause every time I fall
Its hard to piece myself back

The reality is a very harsh world
retreating in my own glass world
I become very weak and small

Like a baby bird just hatch
I need tender care
so take care

I am like a sunflower
forever needing the sun
without it, I die along with it

I am fragile
So handle me with care

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Gentle wind....Caressing me.
Lying on soft white blankets
Open room with swaying curtains
Dancing with the rhythm of the rain

Sound of wind..putting me to sleep
Smell of earth...making me so comfortable
Dark hazel hair spraying against the clean tiles
Glistening golden in the light

Sleeping soundly in the midst of gentle rain
Dreaming of nature and of my life sweetness
Smiling lightly
Waiting at the same spot

For you to come home

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dedicated to ppl who been part of my growth in life

When things don't go my way
When the walls seems to enclose and trapped me
When bad things keep happening 
When problems just keep coming one after another

Sometimes it is just so tough,
it get so suffocating
that I feel like drowning and can't breathe
sometimes I just want to give up

I try my hardest in everything
but somehow
it work against me
I end up all hurt and battered

I try to believe that I am not alone in this
I try to believe that tomorrow will be a better day
I try to believe that I can definitely do this
But sometimes, Its just so hard.

I end up drowning in tears and pain
just wanting to end all this

Every time these type of things happen
I turn to you
You give me strength and courage to move on
You made me believe that I am not alone

It makes me think 
that perhaps sometimes 
this world isn't so cold
that maybe not all people are so bad

Thank you for being with me
Thank you for accepting me for who I am
and making me believe
that tomorrow will definitely be a better day


I never stop feeling blessed because of you people

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bye bye. Lets let go

Hey, don't turn your head and show me those sad eyes.
If you want to let go, I wouldn't blame you.
Because I can see you letting go already.

Don't look guilty or sad
because I am your friend 
and as a friend, more than anything,
I wish for your happiness.

People change, nobody don't 
if you need to go,
don't let us stop you.

Just remember,
that we will be here no matter what
All the times we spent.
All the memories we shared.

We will be lonely and sad,
but we can manage.
Because I don't want to be the cause of your sadness or burden

I want to be your stepping stone. 
Just don't forget about us, okay?
Bye Bye.
Let's Break Up

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tell me...when will this end?

Walking endlessly in this never ending passageway,
can anyone tell me, when will this end?
Hurt, sadness ,pain and misery
Hurting myself, Hurting others
tell me
When will this cycle end?

Wanting to love each other,
we keep hurting each other

what started out so happily
like a fragile glass
broke into million pieces
each fragment
scarring and wounding our hearts further

Never ending tears
screaming, shouting, yelling, arguing
All of us are tired already
So very tired...
Tell me, when will this end?

Fighting is bad
but people have to fight
for love,for peace, for dreams

I keep praying for everyone's happiness
while wondering how many will get it..
Cherish and treasure it
cause it hard enough to get it
but to maintain it,
it will be even harder

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Flying Dandelion

Strolling in a field, looking at the strong yet gentle orange-pink sky.
I couldn't help but let the tears flow.
Wondering how each of you all are doing now?
Swaying myself gently in the swing hanging onto the tree branch,
I couldn't help but recall all the memories that we once shared.

Chasing each other while laughing like crazy,
Rolling in the field while admiring the scenery.
Giggling at the guesses we made of each passing cloud,
trying to shake or tickle each other off the swing,
or just lying down in a circle talking about nothing and everything.

Today... I am here.
Yet none of you are.
Bending down to pick a dandelion,
I gently blew it....none separated.
Blowing harder this time, all of they flew away.

Watching as the wind carry each one of them
far, far, far apart from each other...
all to their separated destination.
As much as how unwilling I want to,
I know very well that I eventually have to let go.

Still, I couldn't help but want to cry.
Wanting to scream, yell, run, just break apart and disappeared.
As the first raindrop spilled from the heavy dark clouds,
I just lie still, hidden in the tall grasses,
as the cold rain slowly started to pour.

Wet spots on my white dress slowly spread and join together,
sticking my now translucent dress to my skin.
While, I closed my eyes, welcoming the cold rain
and listen quietly to the pattering noise.
If only they were here....

They would jumping into puddles trying to get each other wet,
daring each other to dash home without their umbrellas.
Laughing and teasing mercilessly at each others' wet clothes.
Although rain may dampen other people' mood
but certainly not us, to us only the word fun and laughter exist.

Raindrops and tears mingled with together on my face
making me feel oddly numb and hollow.
Am I the only one?
Who is still like an idiot craving for others who have moved on?
Who misses all the time we spent together while others already created new memories?

The ache in my heart didn't cease
but what can I do?
Only to pray and wish that each would realise their dream
and find their happiness along the way. 
Please be happy.
Bye, everyone. I will miss you.

Lets come here together again one day...

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Why do you have to be so mean?

Your words are like knife, cutting people into pieces. Tongue like a serpent's tail, stabbing people with your hurtful words. Mouth like a goldfish that couldn't close for more than 1 minute. Do you think I do not know flaws? Repeating them again and again to the whole wide world and me always? Is it so fun to humiliate me, does it make you feel more in control and stronger? I am telling you, that you are no difference from the people who bully me by trying to make me fall off the chair and shooting paper darts at me! Crushing peoples' spirit, making them feel worthless. Does it make you happier?
Why is it that your eyes can only see the mistakes that people make and not yours? Can't you see that everyone is already trying their best? Why can't you acknowledge it instead of asking for perfection? Trying to spot mistakes in our work, sweeping your finger along the window frame, complaining about the damn speck of dust!
Always thinking you are the only hardworking one, the only person who bothers making an effort while we are a bunch of lazy pigs that can't live without you! Being head strong, always hate it when people challenge your words, when we were just explaining, you define it as arguing. What the @*($&%^$!!!! Why the heck do we always have to listen to you? Why can't you listen to us, just once? For a while? Always busy doing things, brushing aside peoples' word! Why do you have to be so FREAKING MEAN!!!!You MEANIE, BULLY! Can't you see how you are always making people cry?
When your personal flaw is pointed out to you, you take it as a personal attack and twisted my words and make me feel bad. What the heck? With you and your stupid damn words, black becomes white and white becomes black.
Inconsiderate of other people's feeling!  Always thinking that everyone is against you, and feel that your good intentions are often misunderstand. Can't you chilled and relaxed a bit? When I only say something, you raise your voice to shout at me. When I do that, you screamed at me, saying I disrespect you who is elder. Screw the respect thing, so what if you are elder? Does give you a freaking right to treat people like crap! Just cause you are elder, doesn't mean you are always right! No such CRAP!
  Wrong means wrong, Right means right
Don't twist them up to suit your purpose, Meanie! >u<(Stick out tongue >P)

Friday, July 01, 2011

Because of YOU

After being so long in the darkness,
I thought I would be trapped there forever
never to see the light
ever again

Suddenly you came along
bringing light to my world
joy, laughter and happiness 
things so foreign to me

Being outcasted
Being "special"
and Lonely

Darkness was all around
I tried so hard to fight it
but slowly
I got dragged into it too

But all of the sudden
you came along
easily pulled me out of my despair
and brought me to the light

Opening my eyes
and show me a side of the world
I hidden from

Opening your heart
to show me 
what I am worth 

Often told I was useless
Often named fat and stupid
Slowly I came to believed all of that
and become so ashamed of myself

Lowering my head 
and isolating myself
loneliness and sorrow for my company

But you came along
show me 
the gem of me
I truly am

Suddenly I become so beautiful
seeing a side of me 
I never seen before

Because of you
I am who I am
Because of you
I can see all the light and colour
my world actually has

Because all along you were by my side
so I believe I can fly
With you
I believe anything and everything is possible

Thank you for being my friend

Dedicated to Divya

Trapped in web of hurt and loneliness
all I want to do is scream and cry
commit suicide and die
but I will stay strong!

Why do people have to keep judging others?
Is it so fun to tease, bully and hurt
someone weaker than you?
Does it make you feel stronger?

Putting people down
Do you realise that they have feelings like you?
They hurt too!
They are human!

Not fitting in
Outcast by everyone
Being "special"

I will grit my teeth and stay strong
cause I can do it!
I will stay strong!

My life is worth more than those worthless scums
I have got real friends there for me
I have people who truly care for me
Thats why I lived.
For them and myself!

I am strong!
Haven't you heard?
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words from #$@#%&^ people like you
will NEVER EVER hurt me!