Friday, July 01, 2011

Dedicated to Divya

Trapped in web of hurt and loneliness
all I want to do is scream and cry
commit suicide and die
but I will stay strong!

Why do people have to keep judging others?
Is it so fun to tease, bully and hurt
someone weaker than you?
Does it make you feel stronger?

Putting people down
Do you realise that they have feelings like you?
They hurt too!
They are human!

Not fitting in
Outcast by everyone
Being "special"

I will grit my teeth and stay strong
cause I can do it!
I will stay strong!

My life is worth more than those worthless scums
I have got real friends there for me
I have people who truly care for me
Thats why I lived.
For them and myself!

I am strong!
Haven't you heard?
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words from #$@#%&^ people like you
will NEVER EVER hurt me! 

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