Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Today is a day when I want to bash people, mince them into pieces,  strangle someone. Perhaps learn some black magic to curse and Curse and CURSE!!!! *&%&$#@#  

 For today, I shall name that person "@".

I am okay with @ at first till one day, okay, lets not talk abt it if not this list will go on and on.

Anyway, I just want to wring @'s neck right now. This person @ can say my work is not gd enough. @ can say my wk is not up to standard or not want @ is looking for. But this this THIS @#&%^# "@" call me one word. A word that I feel @ have no right whatsoever to say it.

 @ called me lazy
I repeat

This person called me "lazy". Does this person even know how much effort I try or even put in everyday? Does this person even know that I work so hard everyday? Ever freaking day of my life?
Does this person even know how much, how freaking much that that word.....that word affect me?

I work so HARD every freaking day because I want to get a scholarship to go university. I work so damn hard because I want to fulfill my mother's wish. I want her to be proud of me. I want her to be happy. I want to prove to her that I can be someone she can be proud of instead of often being that stupid, ignorant, fat and useless girl.

@ judge me just so easily that. Just cause of the low marks on my paper. Just cause I wasn't up to @'s standard. I have no idea what to say except for the fact that @ is a shallow person who only see appearances and judge people by marks. I really hate it. Seriously. @.

  Next. This person who shall be known as "#".

A nice person but annoying. I need to tell # that she is this close to pushing my anger button which is not easily to touch. # needs to watch out what she says. She says what she wants without knowing her limit, I guess. I need to tell her already. I can't tolerate it any longer. SIGH. Why do I always have to face this type of thing? 

Why do people use words so easily like that
hurting people?

Don't say I am too sensitive. Cause even if I am not, you have absolutely no right to use words to hurt people just because you assume that person is or just cause you think you are better and say it.

I hate people who are like that.

Good thing that happen- I keep bumping into my favorite person today.^^

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