Friday, April 06, 2012


  • Didn't meet that stupid annoying S Americano guy today. :) Kinda glad.

  • Morning was dead
  • While afternoon..................I think the crowd came after church or something. When I am about to go home......

  • The whole world decided to love cake. Oreo cheesecake was sold out, this guy even wanted the broken one. But he ate only the tip, Feng was pissed off. I mean, you spend $6.90 for one slice of cake and not eat it? Rather wasted.

  • Spring got to do full shift. Zhafri didn't come (it better be a good reason or Spring will kicked his ass. And personally, I don't blame her due to past experiences.) 

  • My next week's schedule SUCKS. Night shift at Katong. Morning shift the next day at Suntec. x2 What the crap is Lela thinking????? URG!  
  • All the secrets I have to keep are not secrets anymore. :) 

  • Done. Drained out. Did night shift at katong yesterday...

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