Friday, August 12, 2011

Reaching Hands

Sleeping peacefully in my own glass world... eye lids slowly fluttering open and I suddenly woke up... Someone was making ripples in at the surface of my glass world. My messy ebony black hair falling off my face with my translucent white dress trailing behind me.

I look up...and I saw you... You were floating above in my sea of tears and knocking on my glass wall. Smiling that beautiful smile of yours, seeing you, I ran away. Yes, I run away...I hid deeper down my glass world and build up stronger defences.. While couching at one corner, trying to sleep. But my heart as thumping so quickly that I can't sleep... Cheeks flushed, I sneak a peek to check if you were there
It seems that you were more determine than ever to break into my glass world..

I could only smile sadly at your effort..Because I don't intend to open my heart to anyone... So I just curled into a ball and slowly drifted into my dreams..

   Its this dream again...I am on top of the sea, and I am swinging all alone. Not even a soul in sight, suddenly the swing disappears and I end up staring at my reflection..A reflection that I hate.. Hands clutching onto the water. All of the sudden, the black water open up and swallow me. I struggled, trying to fight off the overpowering water. I tried to grabbed something..anything,,but there was no one or anything in sight. I tried screaming for help but the water end up choking me. I keep fighting but it seems that the more I struggle, the more overpowering the water become. Then, I give up.....
...I couldn't fight anymore. All the futile struggle made me weak and after choking the water, I feel groggy and weak all over...Slowly...I get drowned deeper and deeper into the black abyss..(I hate this dream...I try waking up from it..but its so hard...Its like I am really in my dream, I just slowly feel so choked and scared...But there is nobody to help me...I feel so scared...Tears struck at my throat.. and there is this constant voice that keeps saying you can't do it...and I feel so helpless)...I can't do it....I want to try..I really want..but my arms and legs feel like lead...its hurts...and I am slowly slipping into unconsciousness..I am too weak..I don't think I can fight anymore

Thats why I hate this dream...this loneliness..this weakness...this constant made me seem so helpless..I hate it...

Hm? I feel some something...Something in the waters...
How is that possible? There is suppose to be nothing!No one! Oh my gosh! How?!What if it is something worse? Like a monster fish or something? MOVE!!!Stupid arms and legs!Move! Panic raising like a bile in my system and spreading across... Move!!!Finally I could muster some energy in my arms and legs... But where do I swim to? I just kick forward...Shoots! I got to hurry! The movement is getting stronger! I need to move faster! Faster!!!! Forcing myself to swim despite feeling so tired and weigh down..I just try struggling but how? I am losing speed, shoots!!!I could feel the waves in the water getting stronger and stronger... Ahhh!!! I feel so scared...I end up swallowing more of the salty water..
Oh my GOsh!!!Its catching up with me...I gotta swim!!Faster!!Faster!!! 

It is catching up with me!!!Ahhh!!!Got to swim faster!!But I can't, I feel more and more!!I got to swim...but the waters feel so heavy..and I don't think I can do it..All of the sudden, something pulled my hand. "Harrr.." I gasped as the strong force pulled me to the surface and dragged me so easily from the never ending abyss...Water flowing down my body as I got hugged by this warm contact.

I feel something slapping my face. "Hey, Wake up! Wake up!"...My eye lids slowly drift open, and I saw you. I was in your arms, it felt so warm and you have this very worried look on your face. Then I realised how cold I was when I felt your warmth surrounding me. I shuddered as I have never felt another human contact for so long... Waking up as it dawned to me that you managed to enter my glass world! I quickly picked myself up and released myself from you but your hold was fixed on my arms. I tried struggling off your arms and only to come into contact with those eyes of yours. Those determined eyes of yours that says, "Trust me! I will keep you safe! I will never let you go...."  

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