Thursday, September 29, 2011

Please, stop twisting my heart like that

Being around you
makes me so nervous and listless
I can't help blushing
and my heart can't stop beating like crazy

I think at this rate
I might die of an attack
being with you
makes me feel very vulnerable

like as if you can see me very clearly
my thoughts and my action
always leaving me so breathless without words
and so worked up over your words

Like the wind
you come and go
sometimes, I wonder if you care 
other times, I feel so safe with you

my feelings for you
I wonder if you will ever know

a meeting of two people 
with similar interest
yet not the same
Is this what you call 
Fate or Love?
Fate and Love?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I hate being tied down. I hate being forced. I like to be free. Strong and free.unyearning and just going where I want. Throwing away every single responsibility and every single worry to the wind. To be unemotionally attached to everything and be true to myself. Any place under the sky would be my home.

Dancing under the sun's warmth
the grass plain would be my platform, 
the flowers,trees, and clouds would be my audience.  
The birds and crickets would be the music
while I would danced with the wind
soaring high 
with my dress trailing behind me

Leaving behind everything behind would definitely be harder than said. But I need to Breakaway.. I need to be on my own. I need to remember and find out who I am. I wouldn't forget the people who were a part of my life, but I need to make a start for myself. By finding missing pieces of me that I have lost during these busy years full of struggles. I need to Find back myself. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Silent Prayer

Let me believe
    Let me hope
       Let me have something to live for
         Let me know that one day, Definitely, it will happen.
I need something to live for
I need something to bring me through the day
  Let me believe
that there is still hope for this
Let me believe 
that there is still hope for me 
Let me remember
even should my world fall to pieces
there are still people to care
Let me remember
that love have the greatest power of all
Let me remember
that I always have it in me
the power to be the person I want
the power to change my future

"everything is possible as long as I believe in it"
Thank you

Monday, September 26, 2011

Breaking beyond the point of no return
all the hurt
all the pain
how much more do I have to bear?

How much easier 
life would be without Love
others wouldn't hurt you
and you wouldn't hurt others

All these hurt
trapping me
pieces of mirror
stabbing into my heart

I can't bear it anymore
the hurt
the pain
keep piling 
keep building up

When will it end?
can you tell me?

You who is blinded by your own pain
vent it out on others
fail to realise others are hurting too
believing that you are the only one
only one who scarifice so much
 think that everyone is out there to hurt you
you cared for other's welfare
so much 
that you forgotten yourself
feeling that no one appreciated you
thus you are always out there
expressing your pain and sorrow
trying to pull us into guilt and sorrow
along with your words changed.
From smiles
to frowns
From laughter
to anger
Everyone was an eyesore to you
you are the only perfect person
the only flawless person
Always beating people down
Always trying so hard
to make them
to make me
feel worthless

I don't know what to do anymore
my words can't reach you anymore
you wouldn't listen anymore
you are not the same person anymore

So blinded with your own pain
you end up hurting us
you end up hurting me
Most of all, you end up hurting yourself

I am lost.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never grow up

My heart is breaking... this place is so full of hurt and pain. Scars and wounds covering me all over my body. Feels like my eyes are blinded, unable to see the light. I am in this deep rabbit hole, unable to crawl out, the surface is too high up for me to reach. Climbing up, falling down, this repeating cycle cause me to feel so beaten down and tired.... I wonder the light is so binding? Why is it that even though its out of my reach. but still I want to reach out to it?

I need to drift away from go find me in my dreams.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Holiday List

  Drink Stars bucks coffee and just relax

Eat  takopachi  and Umi Sushi

   Find myself

Play with pain

       Paint my nails   

Spend time with
 my friends

Lie on bed and do nothing
not even thinking

Missing you

"Reasons to smile"

"A peek in me"

Filling up my sketchbook

Stocking up my books

Doing watever I feel like doing

Loving myself

As a child

De world sooo PreTTy
    Me wan ride on purple dolphin 
                   BLow mani mani BuBBlYs
in de pink Sea...
     Me FLYYY~ to sky
lisen de StArs sin La-Le-By 
             DReaM on cot-ton cloud CanDIe...

                Then hang on Moony
DANcing roun PaNetsz
                   zeeing many pipur there...
Goin baCk Earthy 
                            Smeell nice grazz
  pLay with birDe an cate

                               Me sLeepYing...
         Gd nItezzzz...
                      Goin too God's arm now...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Missing you

It sucks missing a person
it sucks 

I can't help feeling sad 
I can't help feeling pathetic
I can't help feeling lonely

Everywhere I go,
I keep finding your shadow
Every free moment I have,
I find myself thinking of you

I think I lost a part of me
it went off somewhere
along with my memories

I keep replaying 
a thousand times
of the memories 
that we have shared

maybe I wished too hard
so my wishing star dropped
maybe I loved too much
so I end up hurting myself

it hurt so bad
it hurt so hard
that I just want to cut and break myself

The past would never return
people forget
and only I am left here
with all the forgotten memories

I feel like I am trapped
in an frozen hourglass
with time slowly spilling over me
slowly suffocating beyond help

Loneliness is my only friend
and companion now

it is very very cold....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tap Tap....

I stood transfixed
before this huge wall
fixed to the ground

feeling so helpless
feeling so choked up inside
standing there

I don't know what to do
I am scared

Tears streaming down
I stared at the wall

no matter 
how much I hit it
or how much I cried for help

the wall wouldn't break
and my cries echo loudly back to me
I feel so helpless

Kneeling there
tears dried up
Lifelessly, I stared at it

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bus Ride

A rainy day
heavy wind
scattered rain
gloomy faces passing by

Freezing air-con blowing
tired faces everywhere
dozing off gently
to the rocking of the bus

Earphone music
like a lullaby
cutting off reality from glass world
Where dreams began

Alighting and departing
fresh faces
constantly rushing 
here and there

each in their own world
how cold is that
unseen distance separating everyone

Spattered raindrops
running down the glass
warm breath
froggy mist

how cold is that?
Destination insight
I descend
with a smile on my face

Bro, Don't tell me anymore.


Hey, life is tough, dude.
   Everyone know that.
      But showing attitude doesn't help anything.
            If I could tell you something,

                 I would say, "Grow up!"
                      No one is your maid or your babysitter.

                          If folding blankets and clothes are tough

                              Pur-lease, there are tougher things out there

                                  you are not the only person with pride

                                        please learn to use your brains before you use your fist

                                             cause when will you learn that it will get you nothing but trouble?

                                                 Yes, I know that parents can be unfair and unreasonable

                                                     but treating anger with hatred

                                                         in what way does it help expect in turning you into one of them?

                                                             You think yourself great, among and above others

                                                                 one day, its that thinking that would get you killed.

         Stop telling me you will change
   Stop telling me later
 Stop. Just stop it.
I am sick of your reasons.
I am sick of your excuses.

                                                                        When you change, people will notice
                                                                              you don't have to say...

                                                                                  I know you are trying 

                                                                                    and its hard as they keep beating you down

                                                                                          doesn't mean you should stop or give up

                                                                                              because this is your life and not theirs

                                                                                                   they can say crap to hurt you

                                                                                                       but its only crap when you let it hurt u

                                                                                                          Stay strong. 

                                                                                                             "Bend but don't break"

                                                                                                                Be like the water...

                                                                                                                  creating new paths when block

                                                                                                                      take care of yourself

                                                                                                                         no one will be by u forever                                                                                                                                                                              

Little acts of Kindness


I lost my phone today
panicked till I cried
Having kind classmates
who lend me their phones and pray for me

So scared of my parents' reaction
as it is a birthday present from them
thus I didn't dare to tell them
and I didn't want to return home

But my close friend
give me support and courage
to pull myself together 
to face the consequences

in this small little acts
may mean little from the giver
but to the given, it means a lot

Such small acts of kindness
but such great amount of joy 
kindness being pass on
from the given to become the giver

Then this world would be a so much more better place
more smiles and joy will be brought to peoples' faces
more warmth were be spread around
that would certainly be a dream come true

* When a kindness is given to you, repay it by passing it on because you never know when it might come back to you when you need it the most. ^^ Little acts of kindness but with such great joy. So carry it out okay? Because that person needs your help, and you have the power to help the person. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I look at you
you look at me
we are both sitting there 
not talking

I see myself in you
but in your eyes
I am anything but me

I am all your weakness
I am all your fear
I am all you disgrace
I am everything that you do not want

You treat me as if I am invisible
like as if I am not there at all
no words or action can fill the silence that stretch between us

You often look at me
with those disappointed eye
like as if I never put in any effort
or so awfully imperfect

You me
sitting there
looking at each other
not talking

Saturday, September 17, 2011


The snow is piling higher and higher...there is no end to it. I am the only living person in this huge wide white patch of land for miles and miles away. The crisp white snowflakes like blessings of the heaven gently fall to the ground. Their purity slowly dyeing the earth white. I look around, wondering if there is any soul in sight.. But I guess not.
Lying there in the snow....lets disappear off the face of this earth for a while....Let the snow cover me and take me away. Far far away.... and leave someone to find my foot steps. I wonder...will anyone miss me?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My ART....

My Art
which only I know how to appreciate
which solely belongs to me
and only I know the secrets that lies within

My Art
has no define shape or form
it represents me
and its free

My Art
are like crystals hidden deep in caves
where only those who appreciate
would go and search for it

My Art
sometimes like the wind, free and flowing
sometimes like the storm, violent and angry
sometimes like the rain, sad and empty
but all of them are a part of me.

My Art
which only I truly know
which only I truly understand

Do you even understand? Can you accept? 

*Don't judge my art. Because its me. If you can't understand, leave it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Be mine only...

I want you to be mine and mine alone.
I want to pluck your wings,
and lock you within my heart
so that you would only sing for me.
and me alone.

I want to be your everything,
I want to lock you away in a safe place
where there will only be the two of us.
So that all you can do is 
think of me, miss me and everything about me.

I want you to never leave my sight,
your smiles, your laughter, your everything
all will only seen by me 
and me alone.
I want you to be all mine

Being with you,
makes me so happy.
that I couldn't help feeling so anxious and scared
to lose you
that all I want is to keep you for myself

The need to always want you
can never go away
this selfish me
this unreasonable me
can you accept it?

Because being with you
makes me feel like I am holding sand
that keep slipping away
So I keep being so demanding,
because I want prove...

Prove that you care about me

Prove that you will always be there for me
Prove that you accept me even if I am like this
Prove that you want me too like the way I do...

I guess I am crazy
not in the right mind
because this is all about me
a twisted love
so turn away while you have the chance
you will be trapped here my twisted love....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remember When

Isn't it sad..... 
that you just can't stop this overflowing emotions that threaten to overspill you?
that you keep wasting your wish on a shooting star for someone who will never care?
that you keep waiting for someone to turn back and finally see?
that you try so hard to be perfect yet they can't see the effort you put in?
that you try so hard to make them proud of you but it seems that all you did was just to disappoint them even further?
that all you wanted was for someone to care but the world is just too busy?
that you keep hovering around the screen waiting for that person to come along?
that where ever you go, you just keep trying to spot for that shadow?
that you try so hard, so so so damn hard to be someone's something but all you are to them is nothing?
that what you want is what that you can never get?
that you keep living for everyone that you lost yourself and your way?
that you realise how valuable something when its too late?
that you really want to do your best, but the more you try to force yourself, the worse it got?
that you want to let everything out, but when the moment come, you just can't say anything?
that you only watch everything and everyone break around and you can't do anything? 
that it hurts so much inside, it threatens to tear you apart as well?
that you keep searching, keep looking for a light, something or anything but you just can't seem to find it?
that you keep grasping on so desperately to something, but it slips out of your grasp like sand in your fingers?
that you are losing your heart, your soul and everything, everyone around you?
Isn't it just so sad?

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Loneliness...a deadly poison

I think my heart...just died of loneliness..
I feel small...I feel tiny..
it hurts so bad that I can't feel it anymore
that I am not there at all
it just died...just like that
I know that some things can't be helped
leaving me feeling nothing but emptiness
But pain and loneliness wouldn't leave me alone

Last time, I used to feel this way too
It hurts. A lot..
Like I am a little out or not right
I just want someone to care
but it seems that now,
but you all are just busy, I guess...
an invisible wall just separate me from everything
No time . This and That...

I like being myself
It maybe saddening but
I like that I am not lying to myself
don't tell me to fb u or sms u
not letting myself get caught up with my feelings
because what I want
that I change into someone else just to fit in with everyone
is to see you.
to talk to you.
to be able to feel you.

But still...I can't change the fact..
it gets lonely at times
it gets a bit saddening at times
You do care.
I know that.
but ,
I can't help wishing
for you to care even more
I just want to sleep on
pretend its all just a dream...
and run away from everything...

I am selfish...I know that.I don't want to be a burden but sometimes, I can't wishing to just disappear from this world for a little while..

Monday, September 05, 2011

All your Fault!!! So be prepared

I never thought I fall in love
It just came so suddenly.
This connection that I feel strongly coming out of heart,
I couldn't help blushing and feeling a little high

Everywhere I go,
I find myself looking for you
Every daydream I have,
I find myself dreaming for you

Every time the phone rings,
I keep hoping that its you.
I feel like going crazy
because I never felt so weird before..

Suddenly my heart is overbrimming with this overflowing hearts
And it feels weird..
Because I intend to close my heart
but something about your smile let you slipped past my guard

Now, I am head over heels with you
Seriously....I can't believe it...
I am a guarded up girl
who is different from the rest

I only want to be with
A person who accept me the way I am
Someone who knows and understand
Someone who care for me more than anything
Someone who loves me for me

So can you do that?
But now, I think I am already hopelessly in love with you
its all your fault
So you better be prepared to take full responsibility  :P


Why do some people see other as Black people, White people, Coloured people on Earth? To me, there is only one type of people on earth. These people are called HUMAN.

Why do some people see others as homosexual, lesbians or gays on Earth? To me, they just fell in love with another person for who they are. So why prejudice them?

Why do some people see others for their weakness, flaws? To me, I am just being ME. What is wrong with being who I am?

People often tend to be scared of things they can't understand thus they would put others down in order to make themselves appear strong... Why can't they just accept things like that? Isn't the world tough enough without still having to face other peoples' view everyday? The world would be so much better if they could only understand....

* I will take this down if this is notified as banned or illegal or something. Because I know that what I am talking about very delicate issue. So pls tell me if I am not suppose to post this type of things. Thank you.

Friday, September 02, 2011

I want to FLY AWAY...
                To a place where no one knows me
                               I want to fly off to the moon
                          And be alone for a little while...
I want to cry out loud...
             At a place where no one knows me
                                                 So that no one would ever see the tears I cry
 mine and mine alone...
I want to be Alone for a little while..
           Hiding at a place where no one knows me
                                                     to remember all the memories of my life
and who I truly am....
I want to RUN FAR FAR AWAY....
                    just disappear for a while...
                                                    wondering if anybody miss me
or even knows if I am gone...

Struck at the moon looking at the earth...wondering how earth is like..