Monday, September 26, 2011

Breaking beyond the point of no return
all the hurt
all the pain
how much more do I have to bear?

How much easier 
life would be without Love
others wouldn't hurt you
and you wouldn't hurt others

All these hurt
trapping me
pieces of mirror
stabbing into my heart

I can't bear it anymore
the hurt
the pain
keep piling 
keep building up

When will it end?
can you tell me?

You who is blinded by your own pain
vent it out on others
fail to realise others are hurting too
believing that you are the only one
only one who scarifice so much
 think that everyone is out there to hurt you
you cared for other's welfare
so much 
that you forgotten yourself
feeling that no one appreciated you
thus you are always out there
expressing your pain and sorrow
trying to pull us into guilt and sorrow
along with your words changed.
From smiles
to frowns
From laughter
to anger
Everyone was an eyesore to you
you are the only perfect person
the only flawless person
Always beating people down
Always trying so hard
to make them
to make me
feel worthless

I don't know what to do anymore
my words can't reach you anymore
you wouldn't listen anymore
you are not the same person anymore

So blinded with your own pain
you end up hurting us
you end up hurting me
Most of all, you end up hurting yourself

I am lost.

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