Monday, September 12, 2011

Be mine only...

I want you to be mine and mine alone.
I want to pluck your wings,
and lock you within my heart
so that you would only sing for me.
and me alone.

I want to be your everything,
I want to lock you away in a safe place
where there will only be the two of us.
So that all you can do is 
think of me, miss me and everything about me.

I want you to never leave my sight,
your smiles, your laughter, your everything
all will only seen by me 
and me alone.
I want you to be all mine

Being with you,
makes me so happy.
that I couldn't help feeling so anxious and scared
to lose you
that all I want is to keep you for myself

The need to always want you
can never go away
this selfish me
this unreasonable me
can you accept it?

Because being with you
makes me feel like I am holding sand
that keep slipping away
So I keep being so demanding,
because I want prove...

Prove that you care about me

Prove that you will always be there for me
Prove that you accept me even if I am like this
Prove that you want me too like the way I do...

I guess I am crazy
not in the right mind
because this is all about me
a twisted love
so turn away while you have the chance
you will be trapped here my twisted love....

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